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Toyota - stiri, noutati

This topic is about Toyota - stiri, noutati, the author, Iulian HondaFan, wrote about: lansarea se anunta in aceeasi perioada cu cea a Hondei Fit ( Jazz in Europa). Honda prefera denumirea japoneza pentru piata americana in timp ce Toyot ... To read more just scroll down

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> Toyota - stiri, noutati
Iulian HondaFan
post Jan 30 2006, 02:30 AM
Post #21


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lansarea se anunta in aceeasi perioada cu cea a Hondei Fit ( Jazz in Europa). Honda prefera denumirea japoneza pentru piata americana in timp ce Toyota aduce denumirea europeana - Yaris. In Japonia Yaris este cunoscut sub numele de Vitz. Denumirea nord-americana de Echo (=Yaris/Vitz mk1) este data uitarii. Echo in afara de sedan disponibil in USA si Canada a existat si in varianta hatch-back comercializata exclusiv in Canada.

motorizare unica in intreaga zona NAFTA este VVT-i-ul de 1.5l cu 106CP si 141Nm, specificatii quasi-identice are si motorul de 1.5l anuntat pentru aceeasi piata pt. Honda Fit/Jazz - 106CP si 143Nm.

Yarisul nou este deja disponibil in Mexic, ca dealtfel si in Europa si Japonia unde a fost lansat anul trecut.

Civic Si 2007 2.0l DOHC iVTEC
Acura TL 2006 3.2l SOHC VTEC
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post Feb 3 2006, 11:26 PM
Post #22


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Toyota la Geneva Motor Show (2-12 martie 2006)
• Urban Cruiser, bold concept for a mini SUV by Toyota ED2
• Yaris T Sport, a new sports concept
• Fine-T and i-swing, Toyota's latest mobility concepts

Urban Cruiser, bold new concept for a mini SUV
The Urban Cruiser is a design exercise by ED2, Toyota's European design studio, for a f u t u r i s t i c mini SUV. This concept car draws heavily on Toyota's heritage in Sports Utility Vehicles but also adds its own dynamic flair and rugged originality. The Urban Cruiser also features a fresh interior style inspired by trendy furniture.

Yaris T Sport
Just a few weeks after the European launch of the new Toyota Yaris range, Toyota will unveil a high performance concept of its best selling model at the Geneva motor show. The T Sport is powered by a 1.8-litre engine, the biggest ever to be installed on this model. New bumpers, radiator grille, alloy wheels and modified suspension convey a more aggressive look, adding to the essence of this sports concept.

Rethinking the automobile:
Fine-T and i-swing - two advanced concepts offer glimpses of the f u t u r e and reveal how Toyota can minimise environmental impact while providing transport solutions.

The Fine-T is the next step in fuel-cell hybrid vehicles and offers the cabin space of an Avensis within the approximate exterior dimensions of a Yaris. An independent four-wheel large-angle steering system confers an extremely tight turning radius, impossible to achieve with any conventional car.

The i-swing is a new evolution in personal mobility, offering a more direct form of human-machine interaction by adopting the latest technologies in IT robotics.

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post Feb 21 2006, 11:12 PM
Post #23


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Desi habar n-am daca este o chestie de incredere, pun totusi acest link la 2007 Toyota Avensis Spy Photos - un material aparut pe worldcarfans pe 13 febr. a.c.

Ce nu rezulta foarte clar din poza este care din cele doua masini e noul Avensis: ala negru, ori ala argintiu? smile.gif

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post Feb 21 2006, 11:29 PM
Post #24

Alergator de viteza

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Desi habar n-am daca este o chestie de incredere, pun totusi acest link la 2007 Toyota Avensis Spy Photos - un material aparut pe worldcarfans pe 13 febr. a.c.

Ce nu rezulta foarte clar din poza este care din cele doua masini e noul Avensis: ala negru, ori ala argintiu? smile.gif

Ala argintiu e Lexus IS!

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Iulian HondaFan
post Mar 14 2006, 05:34 AM
Post #25


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TOKYO (Reuters) -- Toyota Motor Corp. said on Monday it would use Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.'s plant in Indiana to build its popular Camry sedan in a move that gives Toyota cheap access to production capacity and helps Fuji cut losses at an underused plant.

Toyota, Japan's top automaker, and Fuji Heavy, the maker of Subaru cars, had been exploring ways to cooperate in production and development since Toyota became Fuji Heavy's top shareholder in October after Fuji Heavy dissolved its capital alliance with General Motors.

Toyota, which now owns 8.7 percent of Fuji Heavy, said it planned to build about 100,000 Camrys a year at the Lafayette, Ind., plant, which has had excess capacity since the withdrawal of Fuji's former joint venture partner, Isuzu Motors.

Investment in the new production will come to about $230 million and about 1,000 new jobs will be created at full production levels, the companies said.

The Japanese automakers also said they would consider developing a hybrid vehicle for Fuji Heavy, based on Toyota's hybrid system.

That could help Fuji Heavy bring hybrid cars to market sooner than it would have on its own, while helping Toyota, the world leader in hybrid technology and sales, achieve its aim of establishing hybrid cars as the main fuel-efficient alternative for conventional cars.

Toyota needs more capacity to build vehicles for the North American market, where it is carving out a bigger share thanks to the popularity of its cars, including its growing line of hybrids.

Civic Si 2007 2.0l DOHC iVTEC
Acura TL 2006 3.2l SOHC VTEC
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post Apr 25 2006, 07:15 PM
Post #26


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Stire din Ziarul Financiar de astazi, 25.04.2006:
Toyota isi face dealer propriu

Compania britanica Inchcape International Group a decis sa divida dealerul auto Toyota Romania, din care se va desprinde Inchcape Motors, firma care va coordona vanzarile cu amanuntul. Masura urmareste eficientizarea activitatii companiei, potrivit unui anunt al firmei publicat in Montorul Oficial. Odata cu transferul catre Inchcape Motors a activitatilor de vanzare cu amanuntul a autovehiculelor va fi redus si capitalul social al Toyota Romania cu 1.33 milioane lei, fonduri care vor fi utilizate pentru constituirea societatii nou infiintate

Curios ca pe site-ul toyota.ro nu apare nimic despre treaba asta, iar la inchcape.com am gasit o stire datata 6 martie 2006 despre: Inchcape Expansion Into Russia (!!)
De asemenea, am vazut ca, in afara de UK, Inchcape lucreaza pe multe alte piete: Belgia, Grecia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Finlanda, Peru - unde distribuie urmatoarele marci: Toyota/Lexus, Subaru, Ferrari/Maserati, BMW & Premier Automotive Group (PAG) of Ford, in special Jaguar si Land Rover.

Interesanta mentiunea din sectiunea despre Grecia:
Our Greek business, Toyota Hellas, won the Toyota Triple Crown Award again in 2003. This accolade is presented to a business that achieves leadership in the passenger and light commercial vehicle segments, and overall market leadership in the markets where Toyota is present.

Our successful Greek operation has provided the platform for us to invest in the Balkans. We currently hold the Toyota distribution rights for Bulgaria, Romania and F.Y.R. Macedonia and in 2003 we were responsible for the Import and Distribution of over 3,000 units, of which 1,400 were retailed by our dealerships in these territories.

Stiam desigur ca in spatele Toyota RO este Toyota Grecia, dar habar n-aveam ca in spatele acesteia sta de fapt o firma britanica (vorba vine, de fapt un grup international).

Si inca un citat
The Balkans have experienced strong market growth, particularly in Bulgaria and Romania as they prepare to join the European Union in 2007. This growth has underpinned a 43.6% increase in unit sales. In Bulgaria, Toyota was the passenger car market leader with a market share of 8.7% and a 35.2% increase in new vehicle volumes. In Romania, Toyota achieved a market share of 3.4% and an increase in volumes of almost 66.0%. Our Retail investments are progressing well, with a new facility planned for Bucharest in 2006. Overall trading profits in the Balkans have increased by 58.1% to GBP6.8m in 2005.

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post Apr 28 2006, 04:20 PM
Post #27


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post May 25 2006, 02:58 PM
Post #28


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Articol aparut in "Adevarul". Cei cu Avensis 2.2 D4D, le infloresc astia sau spun "adevarul" tongue.gif ?

Arta perfecþiunii

Toyota Avensis D4D este o interpretare modernã a acurateþii ºi tradiþiilor japoneze. Colegii de la Autocar au testat aceastã versiune ºi vã oferã primele impresii.
Toyota a urcat spre vârful ierarhiei constructorilor ºi, se spune, nu va mai trece mult pânã ce va deveni noul lider mondial. Cum a reuºit asta? Nimic mai simplu. Este o firmã japonezã. Iar niponii au fãcut din seriozitate un atu, poate mai mult decât nemþii, consideraþi de mulþi un reper. Atunci când intri în contact cu maºinile Toyota, nu eºti cuprins de emoþii, la fel cum se întâmplã în cazul celor italiene, englezeºti sau germane. În schimb, porneºti de la început cu gândul cã au douã calitãþi pe care nimeni nu le poate nega: calitate ºi fiabilitate.
Acelaºi sentiment îl ai ºi atunci când urci la volanul lui Avensis. O maºinã care nu atrage atenþia prin prisma designului, dar, în rest, este o bijuterie. Pornind de la calitatea materialelor ºi pânã la atenþia acordatã fiecãrui detaliu. Putem spune cã este o maºinã japonezã realizatã cu precizia unui constructor german. Nu degeaba reclama la noua motorizare D4D de 2,2 litri, care dezvoltã 150 CP ºi un cuplu de 310 Nm, are ca personaj principal un neamþ care întreabã stupefiat: "De ce nu este o maºinã de-a noastrã?".
Un alt lucru pe care îl remarci la Avensis 2,2 D4D este confortul pe care þi-l oferã, indiferent dacã te afi la volan sau eºti pasager. De altfel, deºi este o maºinã cu motor destul de puternic, nu te îndeamnã la vitezã sau la un stil de condus sportiv. ºi dacã poate pãrea un model plictisitor pentru tineri, cãrora le fierbe sângele în vene, este unul etalon pentru medici sau avocaþi, cu vârste care pornesc de la 35-40 de ani. Este o maºinã elegantã, silenþioasã ºi spaþioasã, perfectã pentru familii care cãlãtoresc liniºtite în concedii.
Cã tot am vorbit de silenþiozitate, trebuie sã amintim faptul cã motorul turbodiesel de 2,2 litri ºi 150 CP al lui Avensis este atât de tãcut, încât devine chiar enervant, pentru cã te obligã sã ciuleºti urechile pentru a-i auzi sunetul.
þinuta de drum este confortabilã, maºina având comportamentul unei limuzine de lux. Aici se simte faptul cã nu este fãcutã pentru un condus sportiv, ci mai degrabã pentru croaziere. În ciuda dimensiunilor generoase, este uºor de manevrat într-un oraº aglomerat precum Bucureºtiul ºi te poþi strecura cu ea foarte uºor printre maºinile ale cãror ºoferi nu au învãþat, încã, în þara Româneascã, sã respecte delimitãrile benzilor de circulaþie.
ºi totuºi, de ce are 150 CP ºi cuplu de 310 Nm? Acest lucru îl descoperi cu adevãrat pe autostradã. Acolo, maºina nu mai este la fel de plictisitoare ca în oraº. Cutia manualã de viteze cu ºase trepte este bine etajatã ºi, fãrã sã îþi dai seama, observi cã maºina atinge 180 km/h în treapta a patra. ºi asta în condiþiile în care zgomotul motorului este inexistent! Cu pedala la podea, în treapta a ºasea, Avensis atinge 230 km/h, iar condiþiile sunt similare. Zgomotul la rulare ºi cel al motorului nu existã. În concluzie, un motor turbodiesel ºi o izolare fonicã excelentã fac minuni în cazul unei maºini, lucru dovedit din plin de Avensis.
Aaaa! Sã nu uitãm. Consumul este destul de ridicat în oraº, atingând, în mod constant, cota de 11 litri la 100 km. În schimb, la drum întins, în cazul în care maºina este condusã cu circa 130 km/h în treapta a ºasea, acesta scade la o medie de 6 litri la 100 km. Aºa cã Avensis se dovedeºte maºina perfectã pentru concedii, oferind un motor silenþios ºi puternic, precum ºi spaþiu interior ºi de bagaje excelent. ºi revin cu întrebarea neamþului din reclamã: De ce nu este aceastã maºinã germanã?

Toyota Land Cruiser 120
Audi TT 2.0 TFSI --> @Haudi
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post May 29 2006, 10:06 PM
Post #29


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Toyota brings some welcome positive news for the UK's car manufacturing industry with the unveiling today of its new, British-built 2007 Avensis range at the Madrid Motor Show.

The new Avensis has fresh styling inside and out, increasing its dynamic and premium quality appeal. For the UK market, it also benefits from two new engines from Toyota's latest generation of clean, efficient and refined D-4D common rail diesel units.

They are the 175hp D-4D 180, which exclusively powers a new flagship Avensis T180 model, and the D-4D 130, a more powerful replacement for the previous 2.0-litre D-4D engine, with additional gains in fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions.

The new Avensis also delivers improved handling and ride, thanks to a series of detail revisions in the steering and suspension systems. The full range of saloon, hatchback and Tourer models will go on sale in the UK on 1 July. Pricing and specifications will be announced nearer that date.

Worldwide production of the Avensis, Toyota's flagship model in Europe, remains at Toyota's Burnaston factory, near Derby. One of Europe's most efficient car plants, Burnaston built 156,000 Avensis models last year, plus 108,000 Corolla hatchbacks. Thanks to an additional £50 million investment in new equipment, production capacity has been increased by 285,000 vehicles a year.

sursa: Toyota Press release, 25.05.2006

Mai multe info (in lb. spaniola) + galerie imagini: AICI
Website: Madrid International Auto Show (26 mai - 4 iunie 2006)

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post May 29 2006, 10:54 PM
Post #30

Warp Member

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despre noua corolla nimic nimic? sad.gif

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Iulian HondaFan
post May 30 2006, 08:17 PM
Post #31


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doar zvonuri... va fi un hibrid. nu ced ca toyota va incerca ceva de genul Civic dat fiind ca u deja reteta perfecta- actuala generatie este incontestabil cel mai bine vanduta masina din lume de cativa ani si nu pare ca va fi detronata nici anul acesta. In USA si canada vanzarile sunt as strong as ever. in Europa sunt insa cumva in retragere, dar se pare ca asta e compensat de chinezi... biggrin.gif


Civic Si 2007 2.0l DOHC iVTEC
Acura TL 2006 3.2l SOHC VTEC
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post May 31 2006, 09:21 AM
Post #32


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Deci va fi o Corolla 2008!Mai avem de asteptat cel putin un an :evil:

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post May 31 2006, 09:45 AM
Post #33

Warp Member

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va fi lansata anul asta la Paris conform unui site suedez

si acum poze reale (modelul japonez), nu cgi-uri.

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post May 31 2006, 09:54 AM
Post #34


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io zic ca e modelul american- japonez , e f urata frontal . aduce f mult cu modelul american eu am o poza cum ar arata ea dar cum sa o postez ??? nu prea merge saracia asta
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post May 31 2006, 10:13 AM
Post #35


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si la case mai mari se intampla!!!
cititi cu atentie

"Toyota recalls nearly 1 million vehicles"

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post May 31 2006, 10:23 AM
Post #36


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da pai au mai fost oricum smile.gif si altele smile.gif
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post May 31 2006, 11:51 AM
Post #37


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si la case mai mari se intampla!!!
cititi cu atentie

"Toyota recalls nearly 1 million vehicles"


Jumate sunt in Japonia, iar cele mai multe sunt PRIUS.

Si asta dupa 30 "plangeri" din martie 2004 pana acum.
Daca ar face si la altii la fel, cu 30 clienti nemultumiti in 2 ani.

2006 Toyota Corolla CE, 1.8 L, 126 CP
2007 Honda Accord SE, 2.4 L, 166 CP
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post May 31 2006, 12:08 PM
Post #38


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De regula, la jumatatea duratei de viata a unui model se face un facelift.Corolla a primit un facelift pe la mijl lui 2004, dar nu stiu exact cand a fost lansata( cred ca prin 2000 sau 2001).Cu siguranta va fi lansata in 2007 sau 2008 biggrin.gif Da' nasol mai arata modelul japonez sau american ce-o fi :puke:

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post May 31 2006, 12:19 PM
Post #39

Warp Member

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corolla a lansat fiecare din cele 9 generatii actuale, la un interval de 4 ani. maxim 5 (doar unul sau doua modele).
actualul model a fost lansat in 2000 si uite ca suntem in 2006 si n-a aparut inca. nu cred sa nu-l lanseze in acest an, chiar daca livrarile vor incepe din iarna sau primavara 2007 in europa.

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Iulian HondaFan
post May 31 2006, 01:20 PM
Post #40


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actuala a parut in 2001 in Japonia si 2002 in USA si Europa.

Civic Si 2007 2.0l DOHC iVTEC
Acura TL 2006 3.2l SOHC VTEC
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