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Iulian HondaFan
The World's Best Car Company

Whats's the best car, the one you want if you can have only one? Related questions: What's the best car company in the world? The best auto executive? The runner-up in this competition might be Toyota, with its super-reliability and a great profit machine. BMW? It's the ultimate driving experience. Honda is more fun than Toyota. Nissan is great because it's a great comeback story. Chrysler is a dark horse. All five are very profitable.

But my answer is Porsche. Are there any of you out there who wouldn't want to own a Porsche or Porsche stock? Over ten years Porsche's stock is up 1,700%, which comes to 35% annualized if you include dividends. No big auto company comes close to that.

Nobody's perfect. Porsches are so expensive that the mere mention of the brand conjures up an image of an arrogant owner, probably someone on Wall Street. (Q: What's the difference between a porcupine and a Porsche? A: A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.) biggrin.gif Porsche ranks 32nd on the new J.D. Power Initial Quality Study, ahead of only VW, Land Rover, Mazda and Suzuki (note that foreign nameplates dominate the bottom of the list).

Wiedeking, now 52, hired Japanese experts and took their advice. He rebuilt the entire Porsche production system, slashing costs and raising quality. He got the unions and suppliers to join in. He was willing to take risks and expand the line with new products, and he is still taking risks.
Iulian HondaFan
Dieselele stagneaza pe piata auto europeana

Diesel penetration of sales in the EU and EFTA markets the first two months of this year was 50.7%; a fall of 0.3% compared with the same period in 2005. It grew at an average rate of 7.5% a year in 2003-05, is now showing signs of stalling.

Diesel models' penetration in three of Europe's five largest new car markets declined in the first two months of 2006 compared to the same period in 2005. Diesel's share of new sales fell by 4% in Italy; 2% in Germany and 1% in France.

tot in aceeasi stire topul european pe primele luni din 2006 arata surprinzator de diferita fata de traditionala ordine Golf, astra 207, etc...

Fiat are un succes imens cu noul sau Grande Punto care ocupa primul loc ( nici nu era in top 10 anul trecut) blink.gif blink.gif , in timp ce Focus2 a luat-o inaintea Golf si Astra :clapping: :

1) Grande Punto 73680 ( +59%)

2) Ford Focus 70171 ( +7.3%)

3) Renault Clio 69078 (+44% un alt subcompact nou lansat si un mare succes comercial)

4) Opel/Vauxhall Astra 62822 ( -7%)

5) VW Golf 60811 (-19.5% -serios lovit Golful blush.gif )

6) Peugeot 206 59948 ( -17.5%, totusi se tine destul de bine pentru varsta lui)

7) Peugeot 307 (-1.1%)

8) Passat 56467 ( + 103%; asta aici ar fi numit un blockbuster arigato.gif )

9) Ford Fiesta 55724 (+12.6%, nu rau pentru un face-lift)

10) Megane2 40306 (-34%, cel mai lovit model)

pentru cine nu stie sunt un mare admirator al Ford Focus, o masina careia evolutia pietei masinilor compacte ii datoreaza imens in ultimii 7ani.

si tot foarte interesant masinile nr.1 pe diferite piete:
James Kilowatt
Punto era No1 in mai multe tari de cateva luni.

Belgia, 206.
Aici deja s-a lansat 207 si isi fac ceva publicitate. La 206 de mai mult de 3 luni sunt promotii in continuu.
Insa daca ar fi disponibil in cantitati mari, sunt convins ca Loganul i-ar lua fata. biggrin.gif MAi ales dCI-ul.... toate ziarele si siteurile auto au titluri de prima pagina "Logan, un diesel la mai putin 10.000E". Durata de asteptare insa poate depasi 6 luni blink.gif

Apropo, am vazut si Fiat Seidici. E nostim, desi nu sunt foarte convins ca se vor vinde prea multe.
Iulian HondaFan
de remarcat ca masinile cu vanzarile cele mai bune sunt cele lansate in ultimul an. consumatorii sunt din ce in ce mai la curent cu noile modele si avantajele lor relative fata de cele deja existente pe piata.

pentru producatori asta este extrem de ingrijorator. o masina pe piata putin peste 1 an ( ex. Astra) are deja scaderi semnificative ale vanzarilor. Megane2 lansat la sfarsitul lui 2002 este deja in cadere libera ( dupa 18% scadere in 2005 fata de 2004 continua sa scada si mai abrupt), si nu e o masina rea in sine, dar cum toate care au aparut dupa ea sunt upgradate la diverse capitole. Peugeot307 lansat in 2001 a scazut deja semnificativ anul trecut ( 19% mai putin fata de 2004) dar se mentine la un nivel mediu acum...
James Kilowatt
Exista insa si contraexemple, de exemplu noua Honda Civic sau noua Yaris inca nu decoleaza in vanzari desi sunt simpatice si "europene" amandoua (design, diesel, stele NCAP).
Iulian HondaFan
Honda are capacitate de productie limitata si in prezent uzina din UK lucreaza la capacitate maxima - aprox 80000 unitati/an ceea ce e foarte putin comparativ cu capacitatile de productie ale producatorilor europeni care depasesc 4-500000buc anual pentru compactele lor. In plus parte din strategia lor de eficienta este sa tina intotdeauna productia cu un pas in urma cererii. Din vara aceasta odata ce productia de CR-V ( noua generatie, a 3-a) va incepe si in USA uzina din UK va putea produce mai mult. In prezent 30-35% din capacitatea de productie de acolo este alocata pentru CR-V-urile exportate in America de Nord.

Am sapat si pentru Toyota blush.gif . uzina din Valenciennes care produce Yaris-urile pentru piata europeana are o capacitate de 184000 anual si o rata de utilizare foarte buna. chiar si aici volumul de productie este sub jumatate din cel al marilor europeni in segment.

marii producatori europeni sunt toti cu capacitati de productie excedentare. Chiar si cei mai de succes anul acesta VAG si Fiat sunt inca cu cel putin 20% capacitati de productie neutilizate. Ford ( in masura incare este un producator european) este undeva pe la 80% rata de utilizare.

deci nu e de conceput ca vom vedea japoneze in primele pozitii ale topurilor europene de vanzari pt. ca inca nu au capacitatile de productie necesare. ca si in America se multumesc sa se extinda incet si sigur.
Iulian HondaFan
Top10 USA - 4 months 2006

1 Ford F series 264,550
2 Chevrolet Silverado 203,062
3 Toyota Camry 133,978
4 Dodge Ram pickup 121,200
5 Honda Civic 109,738
6 Honda Accord 108,562
7 Chevrolet Impala 90,312
8 Dodge Caravan/Gr Caravan 81,191
9 Nissan Altima 80,804
10 Toyota Corolla 75,682

premiera in aprilie 2006: Toyota a depasit pentru prima oara DaimlerChrysler in USA.

cota de piata The Big 3 from Detroit a atins in aceeasi luna un record istoric 53.3% ( cel mai scazut nivel din toate timpurile).
Iulian HondaFan
iata si topul marcilor de lux in USA pe primele 4 luni ale 2006:

1) Lexus 93056buc. (+4%) - in crestere 25% la turisme datorata exclusiv cresterii de peste 10 ori a vanzarilor noului IS 250/350 :clapping: ; SUV-urile grele in scadere, dar RX in crestere usoara ( datorita versiunii hibrid).

2) BMW 88353buc. ( +13.5%) - serie 3 in crestere de aprox 30% arigato.gif dar si serie 5 si 7 sunt in crestere; X3 plat, X5 in usoara scadere

3) Mercedes 72576buc. ( +13.5%) - cresterea este datorata mai ales introducerii noii R klasse arigato.gif care s-a vandut deja in 7000 de bucati dar si S klasse se vinde excelent ( vanzarile au crescut de 2.5 ori fata de anul trecut arigato.gif ). noul M klasse a inregistrat si el o usoara crestere, dar departe de succesul primelor doua. GL klasse ( SUV-ul mai mare decat M klasse recent introdus) pare sa fi fost intimpinat cu raceala.

4) Cadillac 68845buc. ( 0%) - noul sedan DTS se vinde bine, dar mai ales pe seama fratelui sau mai mare STS. SUV-urile in usoara scadere.

5) Acura 65023buc. (-3.5%) - RL (Honda Legend) este deja in scadere masiva abia la 2 ani de lansare. se vede ca deviza " 1 size fits all" aplicata de Honda nu este suficienta in segmentul masinilor de 50K $. blush.gif TSX (= Accord european) este singurul model care continua sa fie in crestere.

6) Lincoln 43571buc. (+4.5%) - crestere in totalitate datorata noului Zephyr care este versiunea de lux a Ford Fusion, noul sedan FWD construit pe platforma Mazdei6 si avand si motorizarea de varf a acesteia (V6-le de 3.0l si 225CP). toate celelate modele sunt in deriva inclusiv SUV-urile Aviator ( sosia lui Explorer) si Navigator ( sosia lui Expedition), dar pick-up-ul de lux - Mark LT care este in crestere blush.gif.

7) Infiniti 38805buc. (-11%) - scadere de 30% la SUV-uri ( inclusiv ochiosul FX35/45) si de 5% la turisme ( M35/45 in crestere de 85% dar G35 e in scadere cu 20% - noile serie3 si Lexus IS sunt se vede mai tentante).

8) Volvo 38101 ( -11%) - toate modelele in scadere usoara. de fapt nimic nou pe la ei. blush.gif

9) Audi 25296 (+5%) - toata cresterea datorata introducerii noului A3 care la aprox 750buc pe luna nu este un succes monstru. TT-ul a scazut cu 70% ( 350buc tot anul). Audi pare a fi marca europeana cea mai vulnerabila la competitia japoneza.

10) Hummer 22387buc. ( +300% blink.gif ) - H2 este in scadere de 20% dar mezinul H3 se vinde la 4000 buc. pe luna (departe de cele 8-9000buc pe luna ale Lexus RX dar la fel de bine ca BMW X3 sau Acura MDX).

11) Land Rover 15035buc. (+23%) - datorat in special noului introdus in America Range Rover Sport ( in Europe din 2004). Discovery si Freelander sunt scoase de pe piata americana de anul acesta datorita vanzarilor slabe.

12) Porsche 12458buc. - +17.5%. sunt in crestere mai ales roadsterele Cayenne fiind in scadere.

13) Saab 11366buc. - o marca mai mult simbolica. o crestere de 8% datorata introducerii SUV-ului 9-7 care este un Chevrolet Trail Blazer revopsit. :evil:

13) Jaguar 7115buc. - in scadere 38.5% nu prea au nimic nou de oferit. blush.gif

per total segmentul de lux totalizeaza 602000buc. si este in usoara crestere, atingand 11% din piata auto americana. pe ansamblu, turismele de lux sunt in crestere in timp ce SUV-urile sunt in scadere. Cum pentru acest segment de cumparatori pretul benzinei nu poate fi un considerent semnificativ in renuntarea la SUV-uri, asta ar putea insemna o schimbare de atitudine binevenita.

piata auto europeana are o proportie de 14% a vehiculelor premium fara a socoti SUV-urile de lux care sunt numarate la un loc cu celelalte SUV-uri.
Iulian HondaFan
iata ca pe anul acesta cei 3 japonezi ii bat la mustata pe cei 3 germani blush.gif ...
Care e trendul pietii,se intorc americanii cu spatele la distrugatorii stratului de ozon(suvuri)? biggrin.gif
Iulian HondaFan
trendul este intr-adevar catre masini mai putin mari dar desi SUV-urile au un usor recul, pick-up truck-urile se vand mai bine decat niciodata. una peste alta anul asta se pare ca turismele vor fi din nou dominante ( din 2001 incoace SUV-urile si pickup-urile au reprezentat cu putin peste 50% din vanzarile totale de vehicule usoare)
Iulian HondaFan
Toyota in ofensiva in Europa:

FRANKFURT (Reuters, July 17th 2006) -- Toyota Motor Europe increased sales by 10 percent in the first half, outpacing the market, the company said on Monday. The European auto market is up 1.3 percent to 8.32 million units, for the first six months of the year.

It added in a statement Toyota has set a European target for 2006 of exceeding 1 million in Toyota brand sales and 45,000 in Lexus brand sales.

First half sales of 589,590 vehicles and the targets confirm comments made by senior Toyota Europe manager Thierry Dombreval last month in a Reuters interview.

While sales in Toyota's three largest markets -- the U.K., Germany and Italy -- remained largely flat at roughly 71,000 units each, sales in France gained 11 percent to around 52,000 while exploding 41 percent in Russia to almost 44,000 vehicles.

Toyota plans to start building Camry sedans near the Russian city of St Petersburg starting December 2007, with production eventually expanding to 50,000 units per year.

In the month of June alone, Toyota's sales rose 13 percent to 111,978 units thanks to strong demand for models such as the RAV4 compact SUV and the Aygo minicar.

The sales boost gave Toyota a market share of 6 percent, a gain of 0.8 percentage points.

Luxury brand Lexus doubled European sales to 26,941 vehicles in the first half.

Camry ar putea deveni in curand disponibil si in Europa, mai ales in Est.

In vremea asta Ford continua sa piarda din increderea investitorilor si creditorilor ( tot dupa Reuters, 14 iulie):

NEW YORK -- Moody's Investors Service on Friday cut its ratings on Ford Motor Co. and its finance arm deeper into junk status, saying the automaker will face considerable stress as high fuel prices hurt demand for its high-margin SUVs.

Ford, which lost $1.2 billion worldwide in the first quarter, has relied heavily on sales of SUVs, but high gasoline prices have cut deeply into demand. The automaker has announced plans to shutter 14 plants and cut 30,000 jobs as part of a broad restructuring called the Way Forward.

Ford's sales of large SUVs fell by 32.1 percent in the six months through June, according to Moody's. Because of the dramatic shift away from the profitable SUV segment, Ford's restructuring program may not materially strengthen its credit quality before 2008, Moody's said.

"The biggest hurdle they're facing is that the change in (vehicle) mix is happening much quicker than they anticipated," said Brad Rubin, a senior credit analyst at BNP Paribas. "They are selling fewer high-margin SUVs and pickups and more lower-margin passenger cars and crossover utility vehicles."

Ford on Thursday, July 13, cut by half both its dividend and fees paid to board members, saying headwinds for the company have worsened as high gasoline prices hurt demand for SUVs and trucks. Ford paid out $738 million in dividends last year.

Gasoline prices have risen to record highs this week, driven by escalating conflict in the Middle East.

The dividend and board fee cuts will have "minimal" impact on Ford's cash flow, though they may help the automaker's negotiations with the United Auto Workers union, Moody's said. Ford is set to renegotiate its contract with the UAW in late 2007.

"We're still in the early stages of implementing our Way Forward plan," said Ford spokeswoman Becky Sanch. "We announced it in January and we're making progress toward the goals that we outlined."

Moody's cut Ford's rating by two notches to "B2," five steps below investment grade, from "Ba3."

It cut Ford's finance arm, Ford Motor Credit Co., by one notch to "Ba3," three steps below investment grade, from "Ba2." The outlook for the ratings is negative, meaning another downgrade is likely over the next 12 to 18 months.

Ford's bonds with a 7.45 percent coupon due in 2031 fell to 71.25 cents on the dollar on Friday, down from 72.1 cents on Thursday, according to MarketAxess.

The cost of protecting Ford's debt in the credit derivatives market rose to about 925 basis points, or $925,000 for every $10 million protected, from about 900 basis points on Thursday, July 13.

In primele 6 luni ale anului vanzarile Toyota au crescut cu 10% si in USA.
James Kilowatt
Or sa ne haleasca cu fulgi cu tot smile.gif
In Europa cred ca recentul succes se datoreaza faptului ca au scos in sfarsit niste diesele decente.
in rusia, toyota deja a inceput sa angajeze oameni pe banda rulanta.
camry este o masina reusita si nu vad de ce nu ar avea succes.
tinand cont ca are si motor hibrid, probabil pentru europa va avea si motoarele diesel, succesul este tangibil.
Iulian HondaFan
Piata auto americana devine dominata de marcile de import (dupa Autonews):

Foreign-based brands win 53% of U.S. retail sales through May, excluding fleets

It has finally happened. In what is sure to be a psychological blow to Detroit, foreign-based auto brands have surpassed traditional domestic brands in U.S. retail sales, according to the latest vehicle registration data from R.L. Polk & Co.
Iulian HondaFan
Honda are un an excelent pe piata americana si nu numai:

Reuters / July 26, 2006 - 7:00 am

TOKYO -- Honda Motor Co. posted a slightly better than expected 30 percent rise in quarter net earnings, fueled by strong U.S. sales, and maintained its full-year profit forecast.

Honda's fuel-efficient cars are revving up sales in the United States as gasoline prices average $3 a gallon in the world's biggest car market, prompting more buyers to opt for sedans rather than the gas-guzzling SUVs from General Motors and Ford Motor Co.

"Higher oil prices and higher gasoline prices have been working very much in favor of Japan's automakers," said Koichi Ogawa, chief portfolio manager at Daiwa SB Investments. "The desire for more fuel-efficient cars has increased worldwide."

April-June net profit at Honda, also the world's biggest motorcycle maker, rose to $1.23 billion (143.4 billion yen) from $947.5 million (110.67 billion yen) a year earlier. Six brokers surveyed by Reuters Estimates had forecast a profit of $1.19 billion (138.9 billion yen).

The maker of the popular Accord maintained its full-year net profit forecast at $4.71 billion (550 billion yen). That would be down on last year when Honda booked big one-off pension-related gains.

But Honda tweaked its revenue forecast to $91.59 billion (10.7 trillion yen) from $90.71 billion (10.6 trillion yen), citing a boost from the weaker yen. It now expects the euro to average 139 yen in the year to March 2007 instead of 132. It kept to an assumed dollar rate of 112 yen.

"Overall, the results were slightly better than what we expected," Executive Vice President Satoshi Aoki told a news conference.

A softer yen worked in Honda's favor, but the impact of higher raw materials costs -- notably for aluminum, copper and precious metals -- exceeded cost cuts, slashing 10.9 billion yen, or about 5 percent, off quarterly operating profit, he said.

First-quarter operating profit, which excludes earnings from joint ventures in China and some other Asian operations, rose 19.4 percent to $1.74 billion (203.52 billion yen), partly lifted by reduced research and development spending. blush.gif blink.gif

Revenue rose 14.8 percent to $22.25 billion (2.6 trillion yen), fueled also by brisk demand in Europe for Honda's diesel-powered cars.

Honda is struggling to build enough of its new Civic sedans, and is seeing healthy demand for its new Fit subcompact and CR-V crossover in the United States even without the help of big sales incentives.

Sales of its car-based SUVs and pickups also grew, by 3 percent in April-June against a 10 percent slide in the light trucks segment.

Honda, valued at more than $57 billion, maintained its global car sales forecast at 3.72 million units for the business year. It expects to sell 1.77 million cars in North America, up from a previous forecast for 1.76 million, but revised down its forecast for Asia, excluding Japan, to 675,000 units from 695,000.

Rival Toyota Motor Corp. should report strong profit growth next week, as its overseas sales expand.

Nissan Motor Co. posted a worse-than-expected 26 percent drop in operating profit on Tuesday, July 25, as sales dipped amid a lack of new models.

"Nissan's sales have fallen a good deal and those were probably picked up by Honda and Toyota," Daiwa's Ogawa said.

Toyota's minivehicle unit, Daihatsu Motor Co., earlier posted an 8.3 percent rise in quarterly operating profit to $93.6 million (10.94 billion yen) as it sold more cars both at home and abroad, though profits grew less than a 22 percent jump in revenue as capital spending and costs ballooned.

Honda's U.S. sales rose 6 percent in the latest quarter, against the market's 5.2 percent dip. Its market share so far this year has grown to 8.9 percent, from 8.1 percent a year earlier.
Iulian HondaFan
Renault in defensiva pe piata europeana ( dupa Reuters):

PARIS -- Car sales by French Renault dropped in the first seven months in main European markets, according to the La Tribune newspaper today.

It said, citing provisional data, that the sales in Germany dropped 11.5 percent, those in Spain 16.5 percent and in Britain the car sales fell by 23.7 percent.

Total west European sales were down 9.5 percent. Over the first half this decline was 7.6 percent as the group lacks new models while it gears up for the "Commitment 2009" program that will kick in during 2007.

Renault was not immediately available for comment but a spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday that the overall sales decline, also seen in the first half, reflected a decision to abandon unprofitable sales to fleet operators.
Iulian HondaFan
si PSA este in declin (stire de astazi care se refera insa numa la productia din Franta):

PARIS (Reuters) -- French carmakers PSA Peugeot Citroen and Renault suffered a slump in car production during the first half of the year, France's car industry association CCFA said.

The CCFA said in a statement that PSA Peugeot Citroen's total group production in France fell 14.5 percent. Renault's production fell 9.8 percent with the total output in France declining by 12.7 percent.

French production of the Citroen brand fell 6.2 percent while that of the separate Peugeot brand dropped by 19.2 percent.

The world's automotive industry has been under pressure from rising fuel prices and a price war in certain key markets.
Iulian HondaFan

Toyota's strength does not lie in a single core competency. It rises from a complex, interlocking set of extraordinary skills. These include working closely with suppliers, continually finding ways to innovate and improve, and constantly challenging itself to cut costs.

The result is a carmaker that today dominates the industry in a way no single company has since the glory days of the Ford Model T or General Motors' global dominance in the 1950s.

This year could mark a milestone: Toyota appears on track to pass General Motors in global vehicle sales. In the first half, Toyota's sales rose 10.4 percent to 4.36 million, narrowing the gap as GM's fell 2.3 percent to 4.60 million.

That changing of the guard is not just the result of Toyota's strength in Asian markets such as Japan or Thailand. Much of Toyota's future growth will come in the United States, at the expense of its U.S. rivals. Indeed, Toyota's total sales in the United States topped Ford's during July.

Investors have shown their faith in Toyota's future by bidding up the share price. Toyota's stock market value is roughly 30 percent of the value of all global carmakers combined. blink.gif :clapping:

Irrational exuberance? Not at all. Toyota churns out about 30 percent of the global automotive industry's operating profit every year.
blink.gif If you combined all carmakers' global profits, Toyota would account for about one-third. Other Japanese carmakers would combine for another third. All European, North American and other Asian carmakers together make up the final third. blush.gif

Toyota's operating profits last year of $16.40 billion were more than those of Ford, VW, DaimlerChrysler, BMW and Renault combined. GM posted a loss. Toyota's average 2005 stock market value of $138 billion was more than that of GM, Ford and DaimlerChrysler combined.

Toyota's success allows it to invest heavily in the future. With a war chest of $19.69 billion in cash, time deposits and marketable securities, it can afford to build any plants it wants.And it has. Toyota has been opening new plants at a pace that would do Starbucks proud.

Although the automaker is firmly committed to hybrid powertrains, it also is researching and developing diesel engines, engines that run on biofuels, fuel cells and all of the other potential power sources of future vehicles.
Iulian HondaFan
ce mai cumpara americanii ( date vanzari primele 11 luni si comparativ cu aceeasi perioada a anului trecut):

1) Ford 2,226 milioane in scadere 9%

- de baza e camioneta F-series cu 725000buc vandute, in scadere cu 10%. ramane cea mai popular mijloc de transport la americani si asta de prin anii '40...

- turismele sunt in crestere cu peste 10% ( Taurus, desi in scadere, ramane lider - 174.000buc - urmat de Focus -163000- dar ambele in usoara scadere si de Mustang 155000). pana in 2003 Focus a fost nr.2 in topul compactelor. acum trebuie sa se multumeasca cu locul 4.

- Explorer si Excursion in scadere de aproape 30%, realmente la mai putin de jumatate fata de vanzarile din anii lor de glorie 1999-2000

- Escape ( SUV-ul pitic al ford) 142k a pierdut sefia in segment;

- raportul turisme/SUV-camionete ramane insa de aprox 0.5

2) Chevrolet 2,203mil, -10%

- turismele raman la acelasi nivel; Impala este cea mai populara dintre ele si cel mai popular sedan mare ( epitomul masinii americane) 264k si +18%, urmat de Cobalt ( verisoara Astrei H ) 193k care, desi in usoara scadere, ramane nr. 3 in topul compactelor si Malibu ( echivalentul Vectrei) 152k in scadere masiva si surprinzatoare de vreo 20% blink.gif

- SUV-urile si camionetele in scadere 15%; cel mai popular SUV ramane Trail Blazer cu 162k ( dar - 30%) iar Silverado ( camioneta) cu 584k ramane cel mai popular model Chevrolet desi e si el in scadere de aprox. 10%; noul Tahoe e unul dintre putinele SUV-uri in crestere ( +5%) anul acesta - 146k vandute.

-raportul turisme/mamuti e ceva mai bun 0.66

- Aveo detine suprematia in clasa subcompact cu 54k vandute; iata un exemplu in care schimbarea brandului aduce vanzari ( Daewoo Lanos nu a fost nici pe departe de aceasta performanta)... oricum la fiecare Aveo vandut dealerii Chevrolet pun pe drum 10 Silverado... blush.gif

3) Toyota +15%, 1,866mil buc vandute

- vedeta marcii ramane Camry care de 3-4 ani este in crestere continua 408k vandute anul acesta cu 10k mai multe decat anul trecut...

- Corolla ii tine hangu' cu 250K si +15% in ultimul an inainte de noul model anuntat in primavara; nr. 2 pe piata compactelor in America de 3 ani

- pe locul 3 intre Toyote blink.gif Tacoma camioneta lor usoara cu 162K si printre putinele masini cu bena care au reusit sa creasca in 2006;

- excelentul minivan Sienna cu 147K stationar insa

- RAV4 a reusit sa-si dubleze vanzarile anul acesta ajungand numarul 3 in segment arigato.gif 138K; nu e exclus sa termine pe locul 2 fiind foarte aproape de Ford Escape;

-raportul masini/magaoaie 1.2

4) Honda, mi amor biggrin.gif , +5% si 1,064mil

- sef de trib intre Hondele din America ramane Accord-ul american, desi in scadere de 7% si umilit in ultimii 3 ani de arhi-rivala Camry, ramane #5 in topul preferintelor auto in America cu 324k copii vandute;

- e secondat de cel mai popular compact american in ultimii 15 ani Civic cu 293k ( +5%) beer.gif Honda ar vinde mai multe dar e la capacitatea maxima de productie. o noua uzina dedicata Civicului se construieste in Indiana.

- urmeaza Oddyssey nr. 2 in topul preferintelor cumparatorilor de minivan. 162K ( +2%)

- CRV cu 153K (+20%) a devenit lider in segmentul mini-SUV-urilor; noul model pentru piata nord-americana este produs de anul acesta in Ohio, dar cererea mare va necesita in continuare si importarea lui din Japonia si Anglia.

- raport masini/SUV-uri = 1.15

5) Dodge 989k (-5%), acum 3 ani era inca numarul 3 pe piata americana...

- de baza ramane camioneta Ram ( =berbec biggrin.gif) 331k (-12%) , #4 in preferintele auto americane;

- minivanul Caravan/Grand Caravan ramane lider in segmentul sau cu 197k desi e in scadere cu 5%; grupul Chrysler este creatorul genului in anii '80 si ramane lider de necontestat ( Caravan este sora putin mai dichisitei Chrysler Town&Country/Voyage;

- Charger ( fratele lui Chrysler 300) e pe locul 3 cu 103k;

- Caliber cu numai 5-6 luni de prezenta pe piata este un succes si are vanzari lunare duble fata de cele avute de venerabilul sau predecesor Neon; este acum nr.5 in topul compactelor

-raportul de bun simt auto este tot pe la 1/2;

6) Nissan 820k (-5%)

- cu o gama de masini dominata de modele concepute in principal pentru Americi, Nissan da inapoi dupa 3 ani foarte buni...

- raportul masini/magaoiae 1.1

- cel mai popular model este Altima ( sedan mediu spre mare) 207k (-9%)
care intra in top 10 auto american.

- urmeaza compactul Sentra ( sora Almerei) care desi printre cele mai vechi pe piata se mentine la un nivle de 110k...

- pe locul 3 este Murano cu 74k urmat de camioneta usoara Frontier cu 71K, ambele in crestere cu 10%;
Iulian HondaFan
iata ce mai cumpara europenii:

top 10 modele ( primele 7 luni 2006):

1) Ford Focus 288.500 buc. :1: (+7.6% fata de aceeasi perioada a anului precedent)
2) Opel/Vauxhall Astra 275.000buc ( -9.1%)
3) Renault Clio 274.400 ( +45% :clapping: )
4) Fiant Grande Punto 260.900 ( +62% :clapping: )
5) VW Golf 255.200(-17%) - distanta e mica inca poate reveni in frunte ca si anul trecut
6) Ford Fiesta 220.000 (+6%)
7) Peugeot 307 208.700 ( -13%)
8) VW Passat 205.100 ( +57%, lider in segmentul sau; Passatul e Passat nu numai in Ro biggrin.gif )
9) Peugeot 206 183.600 ( - 33%; 207 a intrat in vanzare in Jul asa ca pana la sfarsitul anului poate invigora numerele consistent)
10) Renault Megane (179.200) (- 22.6%)

Intre marci VW ( +12%) isi mentine locul 1 dobandit anul trecut prin depasirea Renault (-11%) si chiar isi consolideaza avantajul. Opel pe 3 si Ford pe 4. Peugeot 5 si Citroen 6. locurile 3-6 sunt toate in usoara scadere ( cu intre 2 si 4 procente). Fiat revine pe locul 7 cu o crestre de 21% datorata in principal lui Grande Punto depasind Toyota care mentine acelasi ritm constant de 5-6% de cativa ani.
Iulian HondaFan
VAG revine puternic pe piata in 2006


Volkswagen 2006 sales hit record 5.73 million

Reuters / January 8, 2007 - 7:00 am

DETROIT (Reuters) -- Volkswagen group vehicle sales advanced 9.3 percent to a record 5.73 million units in 2006 thanks to brisk growth around the world and across its brands, Europe's biggest carmaker said on Sunday.

Its core Volkswagen brand boosted car deliveries to customers by 10.0 percent to a record 3.39 million units in 2006 despite sluggish major markets, it added.

Volkswagen group sales in western Europe rose 5.8 percent to 3.11 million units as deliveries in its home market of Germany swelled 7.3 percent to 1.11 million units.

VW, the world's fourth-biggest carmaker, said it defended its market leadership in China's booming passenger car market by boosting sales there 24.3 percent to 711,000 vehicles.

Sales in its South America/South Africa region gained 14.9 percent to 683,000 units, with deliveries in Brazil alone up 15.1 percent.

New models helped U.S. sales continue their rebound, with deliveries up 5.9 percent in 2006 to 330,000 vehicles.

The sales gain still left questions about the future of VW brand head Wolfgang Bernhard, who may leave the company following a boardroom coup that elevated his closest competitor, Audi brand head Martin Winterkorn, to the position of group CEO.

The VW brand extended its market leadership in western Europe, with sales up 5.6 percent to 1.52 million cars.

Premium brand Audi posted its 13th consecutive year of record sales, which gained 9.2 percent to 905,000 vehicles worldwide in 2006. Western Europe sales rose 5.5 percent, deliveries in eastern Europe gained nearly 32 percent and China sales jumped almost 39 percent.

Audi's U.S sales rose 8.5 percent to 90,000 vehicles.

"This is a bump they are getting from the new vehicles, the Passat and the Jetta, but I don't know if it is really sustainable," Erich Merkle, director of forecasting for Michigan-based consulting group IRN Inc, said of VW brand sales growth.

Merkle was more upbeat about Audi, which is spending billions to enter new market segments with models like the hot-selling Q7 premium SUV. Audi should get a lift from its broader product lineup as well as its sharper design, he said.

Global sales of its Czech brand Skoda rose 11.7 percent to a record 550,000 vehicles, while Spanish entry-level brand Seat reversed its sales decline by delivering 430,000 vehicles to customers in 2006, up 1.9 percent.

British luxury brand Bentley's deliveries rose 7.1 percent to a record 9,200 vehicles, while Italian sports car brand Lamborghini boosted sales 30.4 percent to a record 2,087 cars.

The group delivered 47 Bugattis to customers last year, its first deliveries as part of the Volkswagen group.

Volkswagen brand commercial vehicles deliveries rose 10 percent to an all-time best 442,000 vehicles.
Iulian HondaFan
Si Honda a avut un an 2006 excelent:

aceeasi sursa:

Honda set for record car sales, sees more growth

Reuters / December 19, 2006 - 8:47 am

TOKYO -- Japan's Honda Motor Co. said today that it was heading for a 5 percent rise in global car sales to a record 3.55 million units this year and predicted continued growth in most regions for 2007.

Japan's no.3 automaker, known for building fuel-efficient vehicles and power products, is enjoying runaway demand for the remodeled Civic sedan and CR-V crossover, keeping supply chronically short of orders, particularly in North America.

To alleviate the bottleneck, Honda will begin production of the CR-V at its plant in Mexico from the fall of 2007, Chief Executive Officer Takeo Fukui told a year-end news conference, adding the auto maker would also double annual capacity at its Brazilian car plant to 100,000 units by mid-2007.

The Tokyo-based car maker has already announced a slew of new factories and expansions over the past year, including plans for a car plant in Indiana to start operations in late 2008.

In the United States, its single-biggest market, Honda aims to increase sales by 3 percent to 1.56 million units in 2007, extending its record run to 11 straight years. Part of that will be fuelled by an all-new Accord, which Honda said would hit North American showrooms next fall.

"Most customers around the world want value-for-money products, and in that sense we expect to sharpen our competitive edge and boost sales," Fukui said, playing down increasing competition from lower-cost South Korean and other brands.

Honda, the world's top motorcycle maker, also estimated its motorcycle sales to rise 3 percent to a record 12.7 million units this year, and power products to surge 15 percent to 6.4 million units.

Honda did not provide a global sales forecast for 2007, but said it expected its European car sales to jump 13 percent to 350,000 units, and sales in the Asia-Pacific region excluding Japan and China to also rise 13 percent, to 360,000 units.

In China, which most global car makers consider a strategically crucial market, Honda estimated its sales grew 23 percent this year to 320,000 units, short of the 350,000-unit target due to a delay in the sales network expansion at its smaller local joint venture, Dongfeng Honda.

For 2007, Executive Vice President Satoshi Aoki said Honda would aim for sales of around 400,000 units in China, outpacing his forecast for overall market growth of 10-15 percent.

To become more competitive, Honda said its main China joint venture, Ghuangzhou Honda, is looking at establishing a local automobile research and development center.


Japanese auto makers are counting on sales expansion overseas to make up for tepid demand at home, where low-tax 660cc minivehicles are stealing all the growth.

Despite integrating its three sales channels into a single network this March, Honda estimated its domestic sales would fall 2 percent to 700,000 units this year, betraying the company's expectations for a rise.

Honda said it would aim to reverse that trend by launching a new seven-seater vehicle next spring, while developing more competitive minivehicles through its beefed-up collaboration with auto parts and minivehicle maker Yachiyo Industry Co. Honda on Tuesday completed its purchase of more Yachiyo shares, boosting its stake to over half from 34.5 percent.

Fukui said Honda would also consider introducing in Japan a clean-diesel engine currently under development, after promising the powertrain for the U.S. market within three years.

Honda also said it would invest 25 billion yen ($212 million) to build a new engine plant in Saitama, north of Tokyo, with an annual production capacity of 200,000 units. The factory will employ about 500 people and supply Honda's car factories both inside and outside Japan.

Further out, Honda has said it wants to boost sales to 4.5 million cars and 18 million motorcycles in 2010 globally.

Shares in Honda have gained 27 percent in the year to date, outperforming the transport sector's 17 percent rise.

Banc of America this month named Honda its top pick in the autos sector for 2007, ahead of Toyota Motor Corp., citing its upcoming new product pipeline, volume leverage and defensive nature.
Iulian HondaFan
ce mai cumpara britanicii ( top10 - 2006):

1) Ford Focus 130196buc.
2) Vauxhall Astra 99896
3) Fiesta 98382
4) Corsa 68280
5) Megane 59927
6) Golf 58201
7) Clio 55223
8) Mondeo 46170
9) Zafira 44795
10) BMW serie3 44615

daca le-ar merge Ford la fel debine si in America... blush.gif
Iulian HondaFan
Top 10 Europa 2006

1) Astra 437,6 mii buc ( si in scadere 6 procente fata de 2005)
2) Clio3 431,6 ( +28%)
3) Focus 418,5 ( +2%)
4) Golf 417,9 ( -12.4%; dupa multi ani pe prima pozitie)
5) Grande Punto 401,0 ( +51%; un super-hit de piata)
6) Fiesta 353,3 ( +8.5%)
7) Passat 331,4 ( +28,3%; lider de necontestat in segmentul lui)
8) Peugeot 307 306,6 (-18,5%)
9) VW Polo 294,8 (+7.1%)
10) BMW serie3 289 ( +19.6%)

marcile auto cele mai preferate in Europa:

1) VW ramane lider cu aproape 1,67milioane masini (+7,2%)
2) Opel 1,32mil ( - 3,6%)
3) Renault 1,28 ( -12,6%, locul 2 anul trecut)
4) Ford 1,27 ( +0,5%)
5) Peugeot 1,1 ( -2,2%)
6) Citroen 0,91 (-2,4%)
7) Fiat 0,89 (+18% fata de anul precedent revenind pe pozitia 7 luata anul trecut de Toyota)
8) Toyota 0,87 ( +7,7%)
9) Mercedes 0,72 ( +3%)
10) BMW

per total piata europeana a fost cu jumatate de procent in crestere fata de 2005 pana la un total de 15,545 milioane de masini vandute.
Iulian HondaFan
iata ca mult anuntata incoronare a Toyota ca regele auto a pietei auto mondiale s-a intamplat. in primul trimestru 2007 Toyota a vandut 2.348.000 masini cu 88000 mai mult decat GM. ca pilula sa fie mai amara in Detroit, grosul castigului pe piata a Toyota fata de GM in ultimii 2 ani s-a inregistrat in America de Nord.

GM a fost neintrerupt numarul 1 mondial pe piata auto de peste 70 de ani...
Iulian HondaFan
nu stiu daca s-a discutat:

Daimler-Chrysler a vandut luni divizia sa americana - Chrysler catre o companie de investitii privata Cerberus cu sediul in New York. deci Chrysler revine in posesia unei companii americane.

Cerberus s-au aflat in tratative cateva luni pentru a achizitiona Delphi aflat inca juridic in porces de faliment. din cauza faptului ca nu au putut obtine concesii din partea UAW ( sindicatul muncitorilor auto din America) s-au retras si iata dupa numai cateva saptamani de negocieri cu sefii din Stuttgart au ajuns la o intelegere.

Daimler au achizitionat Chrysler in 1998 cu 36mld$. dar acesti bani nu au fost platiti decat pe hartie.. teoretic cele 2 companii au fuzionat. actionarii Chrysler au primit actiuni in noua companie, iar cei ai Daimler si-au vazut valoarea actiunilor crescuta peste noapte cu 30-35%. Dar incepand cu 2000 Chrysler a inceput sa fie o continua hemoragie financiara pentru compania mama. In plus a primit investitii de miliarde de $ din cosul comun. pentru o vreme parea ca DCX isi neglijeaza divizia Mercedes in incercarea de restructura si reintoarce la profitabilitate divizia americana.

acum au vandut 80.1% din actiunile Chrysler pentru 7.4mld. care bani vor acoperi datorii sau investitii deja incepute ale Chrysler, ba chiar Daimler va plati 650mil $ Cerberus. In schimb Cerberus va prelua toate obligatiile Daimler catre fondul de pensii al Chrysler caruia ii lipsesc vreo 18mld. dar platile din acest fond catre pensionari nu se vor face in cea mai mare parte pana in 2015-2020... pe de alta parte cand Daimler au preluat Chrysler fondul de pensii avea un surplus de aprox 10mld care intre timp s-a "evaporat".

oricum "onoarea" de a fi stapanii Chrysler vreme de 9 ani se pare ca costat compania germana cateva zeci de miliarde de $... si in mare parte situatia Chrysler este in acest moment mai proasta decat la fuziunea cu Daimler.

nemtii sunt suparati ca au cheltuit o groaza de bani iar americanii sunt suparati ca situatia companiei lor este mai precara decat acum 9 ani... divort din cauza ca ambele parti au fots nefericite in acest mariaj.

in acelasi timp Wolfgang Berhardt ( ex- Daimler, ex - Chrysler, ex-VW - pana anula acesta sef al VW in cadrul VAG care si-a dat demisia dupa recenta schimbare a managementului VAG) a fost recent angajat de Cerberus si va actiona ca principal consultant pentru Tom LaSorda directorul Chrysler in ultimul an si care isi va pastra functia si sub noul proprietar.

Daimler va pastra insa intreaga divizia de camioane ( care include fosta divizie de camioane a Chrysler si cea a Mitsubishi) care este cel mai mare producator mondial de camioane.

si alta veste. In martie Toyota a vandut mai multe masini in USA decat Ford. este prima luna in istorie cand o companie japoneza ajunge pe pozitia secunda pe piata americana. probabil ca va fi greu pentru Toyota sa mentina aceasta pozitie pe ansamblul intregului an, dar e un alt semn ca imperiile auto din Motor City sunt in decadere.
Iulian HondaFan
surpriza pe Wall Street zilele astea. atat Ford cat si GM au anuntat rezultate financiare pozitive pe ultimele 3 luni. ambele isi bazeaza succesul pe operatiunile din asia si europa, diviziile americane fiind inca in pierdere dar si acestea sunt in reducere.

Ford a cumparat si uzina de la craiova si are planuri ambitioase si pentru Rusia.

Are the Big 2 back?
hmm... ani de zile firmele lor financiare au mers mult mai bine decit firmele care produceau masini - nu cumva si din cauza asta au anuntat rezultate pozitive?...

QUOTE(Iulian HondaFan)
Ford a cumparat si uzina de la craiova si are planuri ambitioase si pentru Rusia.

Are the Big 2 back?

n-as zice ca e o legatura intre cele doua smile.gif smile.gif
Iulian HondaFan
nu e din masini de data asta. GM de fapt si-a vandut divizia financiara (numita GMAC).

si, da nu e legatura intre activitatea din euro de est si intrebare. i mai mult intre faptul ca se intrevede un reviriment din aceste rezultate pozitive. mai vedem spre sfarsitul anului.
Iulian HondaFan
ce masini se mai cumpara prin America...

vanzari totale pe primul semestru aprox 8 milioane buc...

1) in ultimele 3 luni cea mai populara marca in USA este... Toyota arigato.gif ( premiera in istoria auto; de peste 70 de ani numai Ford si Chevrolet si-au disputat acest titlu). per total primele 7 luni Chevrolet ramane in avantaj cu vreo 20.000 de buc dar se prea poate ca pana la sfarsitul anului Toyota sa recupereze avantajul.

2) marcile americane au fost depasite in iulie tot pentru prima oara in istorie de marcile de import. din nou posibil ca situatia sa raman la fel pana la sfarsitul anului

3) comparativ cu 1 an in urma atat Ford cat si GM au pierdut 10% din vanzari... Toyota a mai castigat 7%, Honda 1.5% si Nissan 4%. cei 3 mari japonezi detin impreuna aproape 1/3 din piata americana. GM ramane inca liderul dar compania Ford ( inclusiv celelate marci Mercury, Lincoln, Volvo, Jaguar si Land Rover) va fi probabil depasita de Grupul Toyota.

singura consolare este ca toti cei 3 mari japonezi produc 60-80% din ceea ce vand in America de Nord.

4) dintre europene BMW Group este acum liderul cu 193.000buc. in crestere fiind cu 7% dar vanzarile sunt 1/8 cat a Toyota, 1/5 cat Honda si 1/3 cat Nissan. cum spuneam pe un alt topic cresterea BMW este datorata succesului serie 3 care a crescut cu 20% in timp ce aproape toate celelalte modele sunt intr-un usor declin (exceptie X5 care a crescut si el usor). acum serie 3 reprezinta 50% din vanzarile marcii in America.

urmeaza VAG cu vanzari egale cu anul trecut de aprox. 190.000buc. ( marca VW in scadere usoara - toate modelele sunt in scadere cel mai sever afectat fiind Passatul care a scazut cu 25%; Audi e per total in crestere la 53.000buc. dar singurul element care a dus la asta este Q7-le).

pe locul 3 urmeaza Daimler/Mercedes stationar cu 137.000buc. si care spera ca noul C klasse lansat luna asta in toata America sa sufle ceva bani in conturile vlaguite de Chrysler.

5) pe segmente:

subcompactele desi inca numai 1.75% din piata sunt segmentul vedeta in crestere cu 37%. lider Yaris (crestere 100%) pana la 46.500buc urmat de Nissan Versa ( construit pe platforma Clio) cu 38.000buc si Chevrolet-ex-Daewoo Aveo cu 31.000buc.

compactele sunt acum segmentul principal (14% din piata). in crestere usoara de aprox 4%. lideri: Corolla/Matrix 202.000buc. (Matrix echivalentul lui Corolla verso; asta este inca generatia precedenta noua Corolla urmand a fi lansata in toamna; banuiesc ca datorita faptului ca inca se vand foarte bine Toyota nu are motive sa se grabeasca cu noul model) urmata de Civic 173.000buc si, verii Astrei, Cobalt si Ion impreuna cu 123.000buc. urmeaza Focus american ( 1.5 - arata ca un Focus 2 dar pe platforma Focus1) cu 96000buc si, surpriza, Prius cu 95.000buc. care este deja un model de mare volum.

voi reveni cu restul alta data...
As vrea sa-mi iau si eu un Citroen Xsara Picasso diesel cu cutie automata si as vrea niste pareri (pro si contra) cat de multe daca se poate
Iulian HondaFan
sa mai continui ca sunt in dispozitie biggrin.gif

e vorba tot de piata americana primele 7 luni din 2007.

- segmentul mediu - e o alta specialitate japoneza. detine in jur de 13.5% din piata auto americana.
Toyota Camry ramane lider cu 282000buc ( liderul european in vanzari in aceeasi perioada Peugeot 207 a realizat 276.000buc); urmata de Honda Accord americana cu 219500 si de Nissan Altima cu 165.000buc. locul 4 mult in urma Ford Fusion ( un sedan ceva mai mare decat Mondeo) cu 88.000 buc; 5- Pontiac G6 82.500 ( var al Vectrei); 6 - Hyundai Sonata -82.400, 7 - Chevrolet Malibu 76.000, etc... de remarcat appeal-ul foarte limitat al Passatului, liderul clasei in Europa, care a vandut abia 22.000buc si nu intra nici macar in primele 10 in aceasta clasa.

- segmentul camionetelor mari - ocupa 12% din piata. asta e inca fieful americanelor. Ford F series este lider de cateva zeci de ani si, desi in scadere cu aproape 10% inca a vandut 412.000 exemplare; urmeaza chevrolet Silverado - 358.000buc, Dodge Ram 214.500, GMC Sierra 115.000 si abia pe locul 5 Toyota Tundra cu 105.000buc. ultima oferta in acest segment vine de la Nissan se cheama Titan si a reusit sa convinga numai 38.500 de cumparatori in segment. pentru cei mai putin familiarizati aceste sunt masini de 2.5-3tone de regula 4WD (cu reductor) cu motoare V8 pe benzina sau diesel de peste 250-300CP capabile sa tracteze cel putin alte 1.5 tone...
Iulian HondaFan
tot despre piata americana sept si primele 9 luni pe scurt.

Chevrolet revine in frunte ca si cea mai vanduta marca din America.

noile crossoveruri ale GM si Ford ( pre numele lor Buick Enclave, Saturn Outlook, GM Acadia, respectiv Ford Edge si Lincoln MKX au depasit cele ale marcilor japoneze...

cu toate astea Ford a scazut cu 20% in septembrie 2007 fata de aceeasi luna a anului trecut si 13.5% pe primele 9 luni... asta e unul dintre cele mai violente reculuri a unei companii auto de aceasta marime.

in rest aceleasi: Corolla si Civic conduc in segmentul lor. Camry, Accord si Altima in al lor. la SUV-uri mici CR-V si RAV4 idem. Nissan a lansat un SUV mic propiru numit Rogue si similar Qashqai-ului din Europa.
sa mai dezgrop un topic...

piata auto europena mai ales in sud dar si Franta s-a contractat violent anul asta. marcile germane sunt singurele care se tin mai bine datorita pietei interne si exporturilor in afara eurozonei.
E chiar mai rau decat atat, unii dealeri au ajuns sa-si cumpere propriile modele doar pentru a umfla ciferle de vanzari.
QUOTE (Seri @ Oct 5 2012, 04:57 PM) *
E chiar mai rau decat atat, unii dealeri au ajuns sa-si cumpere propriile modele doar pentru a umfla ciferle de vanzari.

singura veste buna este pt cei care vor sa cumpere... pot lua masina noua cu reduceri masive...
Pax germanica pare sa scuprinda nu doar Europa ci si intreaga lume auto:

judecand dupa vanzarile auto economia americana incepe sa revina la viata. in mare economia a depasit varful din 2007 desi cu mai multe guri de hranit (populatia a crescut cu cateva milioane) si in ciuda faptului ca mai putina lume lucreaza decat atunci ( labor force participation = participarea la piata muncii a scazut).

numerele in detaliu aici:

comentariile mele:

1) principalele camionete pick-up in crestere cu peste 20% - asta e un semn ca micii intreprinzatori se simt bine ( majoritatea cumparatorilor acestor vehicule au afaceri mici);

2) la capitolul turisme treimea japonezo-americana (masini in esenta americane - ca si proiectare, componente si asamblare - dar sub egida japoneza - de unde si adagio-ul "cele mai bune masini americane sunt facute de japonezi") inca domina piata: Camry, Accord si Altima. la ora asta diferenta dintre ele este minora. Camry e in scadere pt ca Accord si Altima au fost updatate la sfarsitul anului trecut;

3) in mare cei 3 din Detroit (in ciuda faptului ca orasul a intrat saptamana asta in faliment) si-au revenit binisor; bine inca vreo cateva miliarde de la visteria unchiului Sam nu au fost recuperate, dar in general sa zicem ca pacientii si-au revenit; impreuna au aprox 47% din piata americana ceva mai bine decat in trecut si par ca pe moment au respins ofensiva japoneza care parea de neoprit acum 5-10 ani; dintre ei cel mai bine anul asta a mers Ford ( + 13.5%)

4) Ford e si cea mai populara marca in USA. in lupta continua cu Chevrolet si ambele lasand in urma Toyota care dupa o perioada 2010-2012 mai slaba e si ea din nou in crestere; Honda e marca numarul 4 desi la ceva distanta ( 2/3 din vanzarile Toyota);

5) Ford afara de perenul F series - lider in vanzari de peste 30 de ani, are alte 4 modele in top 20 - Fusion ( numele american al Mondeo este la mica distanta de Altima si am putea spune ca e cea mai populara masina "europeana" in America - ADN-ul e european desi majoritatea componentelor sunt nord-americane si asamblarea in cea mai mare parte in Mexic); Ford Escape e cel mai bine vandut SUV ( si e cvasi-identic cu Kuga euro-asiatic); Focus ( a doua masina "europeana" in top 10 american) intra pe podium in clasa lui dupa eternele Corolla si Civic si parerea mea e ca acum e o masina mai buna desi inca nu mai fiabila decat duetul compact japonez; si ultimul pe lista bet-sellerurilor Ford e noul Explorer liderul in clasa lui;

6) GM are si el 5 nume in top 20 desi toate sunt la un pas in urma unui Ford; Silverado e numarul 2 absolut in urma F series; Cruz in urma Focus; Equinox ( echivalentul Opel Antara) in urma Escape dar si a CR-V; Malibu (sedan mijlociu care a fost in scadere de 20% dar noul model abia a fost lansat) si ultimul GMC Sierra (cvasi-identic cu Silverado);

7) Toyota ramane lider la sedane mijlocii si mici ( cu Camry si Corolla); mai are in top 20 si pe RAV-4;

8) Honda secondeaza Toyota la sedane dar ii bate cu CR-V; vanzarile pe ansamblu raman bune dar divizia Acura e in cadere libera ( doar Smart si marca pe moarte Scion a Toyotei au mers mai rau anul asta) - situatia are ceva sanse de remediere cu lansarea noului MDX ( din 2009 incoace doar modelul asta a asigurat 1/3 din vanzari) si in toamna a noului TL ( varianta premium/entry luxury a Accord); RDX ( competitia X3 si Q5 si inrudit cu CR-V) a carui generatie secunda a fost lansata anul trecut o duce insa binisor - se vinde mai bine decat cele 2 competitoare teutone desi in marja lor inferioara de pret; in mare Acura reuseste inca sa fie mai populara decat Audi, Infiniti, Jaguar, Lincoln sau Volvo si nu departe de Cadillac;

9) pe piata de lux Mercedes a luat de 2 ani coroana de lider de la BMW; ambele s-au detasat de lexus in ultimii ani; cele mai populare modele de lux in America sunt anul asta C klasse si serie 3 ( ambele furnizeaza cam 1/3 din vanzarile marcilor lor); pe locul 3 e Lexus RX care de peste 10 ani e cel mai popular SUV de lux si asigura 40% din vanzarile marcii ( cu alti 25% asigurate de Lexus ES - varianta premium a Camry); E classe si serie 5 se bat aproape singure si pentru suprematia in categoria lor; Audi isi bate rivalii germani doar cu Q5;

10) ca veni vorba de VAG in continuare americanii par indiferenti la masinile lor desi atat Jetta cat si Passat au fost "americanizate" in ultimii ani. Passatul are acum o varianta mai mare americana asamblata in Tennessee ar Jetta a fost dumbed-down ca sa se suprapuna mai bine cu marja de pret a japonezelor; cum ziceam mai sus paradoxal Focus si Chevy Cruz care s-au "europenizat" au succes mai mare; adaugand vatamare injuriului Jetta ( care da 1/3 din vazile VW si peste 1/4 din vanzarile VAG in America) a fost depasita in ultimii ani de Elantra dar si de Sonata sau Optima ( nu stiu daca se vinde si in Europa); ceva sperante ar fi cu introducerea a noi motoare ( VW planuieste inlocuirea motorului de 2.5l in 5 cilindri cu 1.8TFSI ca motorizare de baza pt Jetta si revenirea 2.0TFSI ca baza pt Passat care area acum aici ca motorizare 2.5 in 5 cilindri la 175CP si V6-le cu injectie directa de 3.6l );

11) coreenii continua sa creasca; acum 10 ani erau obiectul glumelor si vindeau mai putin decat VAG; acum vand de peste 2 ori mai mult decat principalul grup european pe piata americana si au depasit Nissan si se apropie vertiginos de Honda; ca si in Europa calitatea masinilor lor e evidenta si preturile raman extremde competitive;

12) ca fapt divers Subaru mai are un pic si depaseste VW ca marca si nu as fi surprins ca asta sa se intample pana la sfarsitul anului; Outback, Forester si Xv Crosstrek se vand foarte bine;

13) Mazda are si ea un reviriment cu 3 si CX-5 si tocmai au lansat noul 6; Suzuki s-a retras oficial de pe piata auto americana si Mitsubishi nu cred ca mai are mult desi inca incearca; insa doar o Mazda se vinde la fiecare 10 Forduri...

14) Volvo abia supravietuiesc si ei; Jaguar si land Rover cunosc un mic reviriment dar baza de plecare e minuscula ( impreuna sunt jumate cat Volvo sau Mitsubishi care la randul lor vand abia o masina la fiecare 40 de Forduri);

iote pe ce am pierdut o ora... ca sa demonstrez ca iarna nu-i ca vara sau ca la masini americanii si europenii sunt pe continente diferite... biggrin.gif
F misto imformarea. Merci!
James Kilowatt
QUOTE (iHondafan @ Jul 21 2013, 03:32 AM) *
iote pe ce am pierdut o ora... ca sa demonstrez ca iarna nu-i ca vara sau ca la masini americanii si europenii sunt pe continente diferite... biggrin.gif

Pai da.. la voi inca n-a intrat Dusterul si Loganul smile.gif

La voi nu stiu cum e cu taxele de exemplu, insa la noi 200 sunt considerati lux, la 220CP platesti maximul pt inmatriculare de exemplu, adica 4900€. De fapt la noi masinile in general sunt considerate lux si taxate ca porcul, o masina germana e mult mai ieftina la voi decat in Germania la factory outlet biggrin.gif
inmatricularea aici e simbolica... eu platesc cam 110$ pe an pentru toate 3; alti vreo 50-60$/an de masina revizia tehnica ( unele state cum era si Indiana nu cereau insa asa ceva deloc dar inmatricularea era 50-80$ pe an de masina);

statul ia cel mai mult cu pseudo-TVA-l local ( 0-9.5% functie de stat) - pe unde am stat noi am dat minim 6% dar partea buna e ca daca faci trade-in platesti TVA-ul respectiv doar la diferenta. ex daca masina veche valoreaza 10k si iti iei una noua de 30k TVA-ul se aplica doar la 20k. asta cumva incurajeaza tranzactiiile prin dealer pt ca daca eu imi vand masina singur si folosesc banii a doua zi sa imi iau una noua nu beneficiez de scutirea asta.

cheltuiala cea mai mare e cu asigurarile: full casco e e la 6-700-cateva mii pe an de masina si sutele vin doar cu franciza/deductibila de minim 500$/eveniment;

sistemul cu TVA e facut sa incurajeze exporturile. un Mertzan acolo include cei 18-23% TVA; cand e exportat in afara UE TVA-u nu se aplica ( sau e returnat de ex producatorului de componente); in schimb producatorul american nu poate evita plata unor impozite si taxe locale care intra in costul lui de productie si daca exporta masina respectiva intr-o tzara cu TVA afara de taxele vamale trebuie sa il adauge si pe asta.
updates la piatele auto:

vanzarile in USA per total continua panta ascendenta ( +8% fata de perioada similara din 2012); si piata canadiana e +3.5%;

in piata ACEA ( UE si tarile non-UE Elvetia, Norvegia si Islanda) e minus 4% fata de anul trecut dar in ultimele luni apare sa se intremeze. intre pietele europene majore UK e + 11%, Portugalia + 7% in vreme ce Germania -6% si Franta si Italia minus 8% fiecare, Olanda minus 30%. Romania e minus 16% anul asta.

pe segmente -

1) vanzarile de camionete in SUA raman puternice ( +20% fata de 2012). cum am mai spus astea sunt un indicator destul de fidel al sectorului micilor firme private. pana la urma QE-ul a ajutat, vazui in WSJ recent si un grafic cu diferenta de output economic intre UE si USA din 2007 incoace economia americana a performat mai bine cu vreo 3.5 trilioane cumulat si cu vreo 1.5 mai multe decat cele vreo 2 tiparite de Fed. ramane sa vedem de acum incolo.

2) si cele de SUV si cross-overe o duc binisor si peste cresterea pietei ( segmentul e +11%): conduc cumulat cei trei gemeni ai GM ( rudele Antarei europene) - Chevy Equinox, GMC Terrain si Buick encore, urmati de Honda CR-V, Ford Escape ( Kuga acolo), RAV-4, Ford Explorer, JGC si Nissan Rogue (Qashqai la voi).

3) vanzarile de turisme sunt si ele in crestere ( +5%) dar sub cresterea de ansamblu a pietei. in mare americanii raman cu boii lor, daca economia e buna se intorc la dragostea lor cea veche - masinile mari... biggrin.gif; intre turisme ca de obicei Camry si Accord ruleaza; Civic, Altima, Corolla si Ford Fusion ( Mondeo la voi) urmeaza.

4) la modele de lux - BMW serie 3/4 e lider, urmat indeaproape de Lexus RX apoi Merc C-klasse, Lexus ES ( varianta de lux a Camry), Merc E-klasse si A4/A5.

la vecinii canadieni cele mai populare modele sunt Ford F -series, Dodge Ram ( Chevrolet nu e asa de popular) urmate de Civic si... Elantra ( care are popularitate in crestere si la sud de paralela 49); si la ei SUV/crossover sunt in crestere mai rapida decat turismele. cum benzina la ei e doar oleaca mai scumpa decat in USA si inca semnificativ mai ieftina decat in Europa alegerile auto sunt in consecinta.

in Europa VW Golf ramane lider, urmat de Fiesta, Clio si Polo. in top 10 intra si serie 3 ( vanzari pe ansamblu duble fata de piata americana) si doar un SUV - Qashqai care e si mai popular in jumatatea de nord a continentului. similarul american Nissan Rogue e si el destul de popular ( vedeti mai sus).

btw, QE-ul a fost practicat vartos si de Bank of England si in mare evolutia economiei britanice a fost mai aproape de cea americana decat de cea a eurozonei in ultimii 5 ani.
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