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VIATA FARA HIRTIE HIGIENICA in inima New York-ului !

US family tries life without toilet paper
By Kim Ghattas
BBC News, New York

It is mid-afternoon in an airy, lower-Manhattan flat, on the ninth floor of a posh-looking building with a doorman.

It is a bit dark and there are no lights on. There is a strange quiet feel to the flat, perhaps due to the lack of any appliances - no fridge humming, no TV interference, even no air conditioning, though it is hot and humid outside.

Walk into the bathroom, and you will notice that there is no toilet paper, no bottles of shampoo or toiletries.

In the kitchen, berries and cheese are laid out on the counter and there are candles on the dining table.

This is the home of No-Impact Man, aka Colin Beavan, who describes himself on his blog as a "guilty liberal who finally snaps, swears off plastic... turns off his power... and while living in NYC turns into a tree-hugging lunatic who tries to save the polar bears".

While there are a lot of people who think that we're freaks, our friends have been really supportive, and they do come over and play Scrabble with us in the dark
Michelle Beavan

He has dragged his wife, Michelle, and young daughter Isabella, along for the ride.

"The concept is that we should have no net environmental impact, which is, of course, technically not feasible," says Colin.

"So the idea is that we would reduce our negative impact and increase our positive impact."

Cutting the trash

The 43-year-old writer says he is not manically trying to offset everything, but he tries to get involved in environmentally friendly or sustainable projects around the city.

The first stage of the one-year experiment was to reduce rubbish. The family buys only second-hand goods and takes a hamper to the market.

Colin uses a glass jar he picked up from the trash as a reusable cup when he orders take-out coffee or juice.

Food is bought every other day from the nearby farmers' market on Union Square, and put in the hamper without wrapping.

The family then stopped using all carbon-producing transport, so they now walk or cycle.

They then shut down electricity in the flat - no more dishwasher, fridge or washing machine.

Now they are trying to reduce the amount of water they use, from the 80-100 gallons (303-379 litres) a day used by the average American, down to seven.

The more the experiment advances, the more drastic the changes become.

"I was a typical American consumer - I shopped a lot, I ate most of my meals in take-out containers, I took cabs everywhere," said Michelle, a journalist with a weekly business magazine.

Although she still goes to the office every day (on her bike), uses the elevator to get to the 43rd floor, turns on her computer and uses a mobile phone, she has had to redesign her whole life.

"It has been a shock to the system."

Michelle admits there were times when she regretted agreeing to the no-impact experiment, but says it has been one of the best adventures of her adult life.

"In essence, the project has really slowed down time, which is pretty amazing considering how fast time has become, and especially with us living in New York - you come home to a quiet, soothing cocoon."

Worm farm

For news from the outside world, there is the solar-powered crank-up radio, although the family rarely uses it.

A solar panel on the roof provides power for a laptop and one light.

From the kitchen, Colin brings out a wooden box with air holes on the sides. He opens the lid and scoops up a handful of dark brown matter that looks and smells like earth. In fact, it's a combination of fruit and vegetable peels and worms.

"This is the compost box, the worms take the food scraps and they turn it into compost," explains Colin.

There are many places all over the world that don't use toilet paper ... it's a lot more hygienic
Colin Beavan

What happens in the toilet, where there's no toilet paper?

"What I'll tell you, is this: There are many places all over the world that don't use toilet paper," is all he will say at first.

He then adds that because people wash, it is a lot more hygienic.

For detergents, laundry, body soap and toothpaste, they use a combination of vegetable oil, baking soda, vinegar and borax.

The Beavans realise that not everybody can afford to embark on a similar radical experiment or live like that long-term.

They also make clear that it is an experiment, and they have had their doubts about what works and what really makes a difference.

They insist they do not want to force their ideas on anyone else, but they feel happy about the difference it has made to their own lives.

Their life is now centred around the kitchen table, as well as activities such as riding bikes together.

"While there are a lot of people who think that we're freaks, our friends have been really supportive, and they do come over and play Scrabble with us in the dark," Michelle says.

Creature comforts

But is it really possible to have no impact on the environment while living in a city where any resident is inevitably part of the system?

"There's no question that this city has an infrastructure and some of the impact of the city itself should get credited to us," said Colin.

"But the fact is that it is actually easier to live an efficient life in this city, and this is well documented. Here in New York, we emit about a third of the carbon per member of the population of the rest of the country, and it's because of the efficiencies of scale of this city."

We're not going to bring the air-conditioner back. We're going to continue to ride our bikes everywhere. The fridge will come back, but will be used minimally
Colin Beavan

The Beavans say that when the experiment is over, they will not simply revert to their old way of living.

"We're not going to bring the air-conditioner back. We're going to continue to ride our bikes everywhere. The fridge will come back, but will be used minimally," says Colin.

Michelle cannot wait to turn on the washing machine again. Hand-washing clothes has been the toughest change and a chore that has meant laundry is often not done, though Isabella enjoys stomping the clothes in the bathtub.

Colin is planning to write a book about his year as No-Impact Man - his publishers are looking at sustainable ways of publishing.

It may be a worthwhile experiment in the eyes of some, or a total waste of time by a tree hugger for others. But whatever you think of the Beavans, somehow when you leave their flat it feels like there is only one option - to walk down the nine flights of stairs.
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/09/19 11:20:39 GMT


Raspund si eu mai incolo.
Or fi inventat vreo metoda noua care inlocuieste hartia. Harita e rezultata din lemn care ajuta stratul de ozon, deci consumand hartie, poluam?!
Nu-i asa ca delierez?! laugh.gif
foarte usor m-as lipsi de taxe si impozite.
de romania...prima data am vrut sa zic de barbati, sa vad cum reactioneaza lumea, dar mi-a fost frica sa nu declansez un razboi biggrin.gif
cred din suflet ca m-as putea lipsi de restul participantilor la trafic si de gropi dar sa revenim cu rotile pe pamant si sa fim constienti ca nu se poate!
cred ca m-as putea lipsi de pepsi ( ~2 litrii pe zi )
Baby Blues
Eu as vrea sa ma lipsesc de tigari, cafea, femei ( ale altora) (gluma!).
daca as fi mai putin serios m-as lipsi de romani si i-as inlocui cu austrieci, suedezi, norvegieni, etc.
M-as lipsi de manelisti, vedete de muzica pop/disco cu fuste scurte.
Taxe, manelisti si prosti. Mi-a scapat ceva? biggrin.gif
da. de RABA si de fumigenele pe roti, de carutele de pe DN-uri.
Pai sa te lipsesti de de manelisti/gropi/taxe/trafic/etc... nu reprezinta nici un sacrificiu, se pierde ideea initiala.
Deci revenind la ideea "nebunului" as putea sa ma lipsesc de:
- Mersul cu masina la servici, fac ~2-3 km pana la birou deci as putea sa vin pe jos, dar in timpul zilei mai trebuie sa ma deplasez in stanga si-n dreapta si as avea nevoie de o masina... ce-i drept nu as avea nevoie de una mare si puternica fiind arhisuficient ceva de genul unui matiz/aygo or any other crapy small car. Dar nu-mi vine sa dau bani pe o masina mica si lenta cand am deja una medie si destul de puternica.
- As putea renunta la mancatul in oras (fast-food/ciorbe/etc) si sa-mi pun sandwishuri de acasa... Nu stiu daca as reduce poluarea dar as economisi niste bani.
- As vrea sa pot renunta total la tigari... deja am renuntat "partial".
- La bere nu am de gand sa renunt... nu mananc snacksuri/chipsuri/dulciuri, nu beau cola sau alte sucuri... nu am de gand sa traiesc 100 de ani.... vorba aia imi permit beer.gif biggrin.gif.
Eu inca ma gandesc la ce as renunta! Daca aflu, va anunt!

1. Tampitii care merg in afara orasului si pe ploaie in general fara faruri aprinse
2. Cei ce merg cu ceata aprinsa desi vezi la 10 masini departe cel putin smile.gif
3. As vrea sa scap de cozile din oficiile administrative
V-ati departat de ideea initiala...Nu vad pe nimeni sa renunte la TV, mobil, PC, cuptor cu microunde, masina...

Ce sa mai...romanul s-a nascut un om caruia ii place comfortul
Eu am renuntat la TV de vreo 4-5 ani smile.gif. Desi cand ajung acasa la parinti rup telecomanda intre posturile de la Discovery si sport (dar rar, cam la o luna, doua). La mobil as putea renunta, ca nu ma omor dupa el (nu-s in stare sa schimb mai mult de 10 cuvinte la telefon, prefer sa ies cu omul la suc/bere sa vorbesc daca e ceva de povestit).

N-as renunta la PC, ca mi-as pierde meseria forumul tongue.gif
Nu vad pe nimeni sa renunte la TV, mobil, PC, cuptor cu microunde, masina...

doua saptamani pe an fac asta. e ca o gura de oxigen. dar apoi iti sar rudele/clientii/prietenii in cap ca nu mai stiu de tine, trebuie sa iti castigi existenta fapt ce implica pc, mobil, masina.
suna idilic sa iti poti permite sa stai undeva la munte si sa iti faci o ferma ecologica, dar daca nu te oferi sa sponsorizezi proiectul asta, atunci lasa-ne sa continuam sa folosim lucrurile esentiale biggrin.gif
James Kilowatt
Eu as renunta fara probleme la 90% din canalele TV la care am acces. Si nu am acces la cele romanesti wink.gif
As renunta fara probleme si la 80% dintre "accesoriile" telefonului mobil pe care nu le folosesc niciodata: agenda, calendar, jocuri, etc.
Si la o buna parte din uindauz biggrin.gif
QUOTE(James Kilowatt)
As renunta fara probleme si la 80% dintre "accesoriile" telefonului mobil pe care nu le folosesc niciodata: agenda

blink.gif stai cu hartiuta cu nrele de telfon in buzunar sau cum? blink.gif
James Kilowatt
nu, aia face parte din cele 20% pe care le folosesc....
Prin "agenda" ma refeream la chestia aia in care iti scrii intalnirile, ora la care trebuie sa te speli pe dinti, ziua, data si anul urmatorului dus, etc.
ma gandeam io ca tre sa fie o greseala. Ala se mai numeste si organizer beer.gif
Baby Blues
As renunta la cei pe care nu-i pot alege: rude, sefi, etc.
Eu in primul rand as renunta la tigani(nu-i suport), mancarurile din oras si pepsi(desi nu pot, parca sunt dependent de astea).
Daca fara PC as putea sa stau Nu as putea trai fara telefonul mobil, muzica si masini in general.

Si bineinteles Nu as putea trai fara prieteni. Am uitat sa mentionez mai devreme
Baby Blues
Eu in primul rand as renunta la tigani(nu-i suport)...

Fara nici o suparare dar cred ca ai o ideee preconceputa despre tigani si m-as mira sa nu iti stearga cineva de aici postul deoarece contine "ura de rasa". Discutia aici cred ca a cam deviat. Daca vrei sa discutam despore tigani si despre relel si bunele lor o putem face intr-un tiopic separat cu toate ca s-a mai discutat. Hai sa vedem ce putem face cu romanii si dupa aia sa ne uitam la ei. De ce romanii poarta aur pe ei ca si salbele tiganilor si asculta manele la maxim, scuipa, injur sau mai rau, etc? Probabil ii copiaza pe tiganii aceia pe care ii vezi tu si pe care probabil nu-i suporti. La fel de multi , poate si mai multi sunt romanii care se poarta asa. Nu are legatura cu rasa ci doar cu educatia. Probabil nu au avut sansa sa fie educati. Romanii culmea, ca au avut sansa sa fie educati dar degeaba.
James Kilowatt
Daca ar scrie cineva ca ii uraste pe americani sau pe francezi, ori pe blonde, nu cred ca i-ar sterge careva postul. In schimd daca scrii de evrei, arabi, sau pe tigani, devine o problema rasiala.

Genul asta de posturi il descalifica automat pe cel care le scrie, iar un tigan sau evreu, sau arab, inteligent si-ar da seama de asta si nu si-ar pune mintea cu el. Iar daca autorul mesajului isi da si el seama despre cat e de absurd sa ii bagi pe toti intr-o oala isi modifica singur mesajul.
T u d o r
Acum... ce sa zic, omul a zis ca s-ar lipsi de ei, nu ca i-ar "lipsi" cu mana lui. biggrin.gif Nu e o manifestare xenofoba. Si ungurii din Ardeal s-ar lipsi de romanii de acolo (desi educatia si buna cuviinta i-ar impiedica pe cei mai multi sa o spuna), dar... s-ar lipsi. De ce sa fim farisei si sa nu recunoastem? smile.gif

Eu m-as lipsi de Becali.... Nu numai de el fizic, ci de tot ceea ce inseamna el pentru tara asta... parvenitism, nesimtire, gandomanie, lipsa crasa de educatie... Si m-as mai lipsi de cei care, fara discernamant, il aduc in fata noastra zi de zi, ora de ora, la televizor.
Baby Blues
daca omul ar fi zis ca s-ar fi lipsit de tiganii care furqa nu mai era xenofobie. A mai zis si ca nu-i suporta. Deocamdata legea pedepseste asemnea iesiri. Nu fac pe aparatorul lor dar ce ar simti un etnic tigan care ar citi forumul acesta cand ar vedeea ca s-ar lipsi altii de el? Poate s-ar lipsi si el de cativa romani, nu?
Ca si idee: Poti sa spui ca nu suporti francezii din paris, sau italienii care fac sauna, ori cei care sunt macaronari, ori spaniolii carora le place hamon-ul, dar nu poti spune ca nu-ti plac toti tiganii si te-ai lipsi de ei. Sa zicem ca majoritatea sunt rai dar mai exista 50 care sunt doctori si artisti. Ce le facem ? Scapam si de ei asa in masa , caci oricum nu mai conteaza? Cum te-ai simti daca ai fi un tigan intelectual sau chiar si un om simplu cu serviciu familie , etc si ai citi un post din asta? Banuiesc ca au si dreptul sa navigheze pe net, nu? biggrin.gif
T u d o r
Eeee, dar printre francezii din Paris n-or fi oare si cativa buni? biggrin.gif
De fapt problema e cea corect prezentata de James, unele aspecte sunt mai "sensibile" decat altele. Daca zicea ca nu suporta francezii, ne durea la pedalier pe toti. Subiectul "tigani" e sensibil insa. Ma intreb de ce oare? smile.gif Nu cumva tocmai pentru ca se stie... toata lumea stie despre ce e vorba si accepta in sinea ei? Dar suna urat... wink.gif
eu pot sa zic ca m-as putea lipsi cu mare usurinta de ciori (prin ciori intelegand totalitatea personajelor de orice sex, religie, nationalitate si rasa care isi duc traiul de zi cu zi din camatarie, talharii, furturi sau si mai rau trafic de carne vie sau trafic de droguri)
Inchis. Stiti si voi de ce.
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