Ha ha ha asta chiar nu banuiam sa se intimple dar Mazda a dat-o in bara


Pe scurt: Mazda ar fi facut o declaratzie video oficiala prin care anuntza ca posesorii de Mazda RX-8 vor primi in continuare sondaje de opinie insa statisticile care vor fi facute publice nu vor mai include informatziile si voturile posesorilor de RX-8. Motivul ? Nemultzumirea posesorilor de RX-8 cu calitatea masinii: se strica des, nu e puternica, publicitate falsa facuta de Mazda, calitate proasta, servicii la dealer sub orice critica.

Ei bine...acest video - probabil de uz intern (stiu eu...ceva gen comunicat numai pentru dealeri) a fost "eliberat" pe internet si cluburile Mazda RX-8 s-au revoltat ! Si ce revolutzie !


The important part of the video for 8 owners is between 2 and 3 minutes. RX-8 owners sales and service surveys are no longer counted in the dealers CARE score. the CARE score is a rating sytem that effects the dealers botom line.

Now i do understand a reason for this. The delaers that are having to deal with the failing engines in Las Vegas and else where or the squeaky brake thing etc are probably getting hit with unreasonably bad scores. Its not their fault the engine/car has an engineering flaw but they get hit with the feedback.

But this totally disregarding the RX-8 owner's opinion of his service or sales experience is not the solution. There are people who have to deal with incompetent and rude Service personnel. How does this help that RX-8 owner. These Dealers who already give poor service to the RX-8 owners are now completly off the hook and have no reason to improve. This may not be a problem for those of us with good dealers or with a bunch to choose from. But there are a great many owners who only have one dealership in their area.